
Bumper Crop

With all of white flowers now in bloom, were bound to have a banner year with our strawberries. The asparagus was looking good, too, but we paid someone to cut our grass and he took care of that for us. But the story of the year has to be the dandelions. These are absolutely EVERYWHERE.

If only they were a little more life-sustaining. Or at least tasty.


Hay Goat (where you goin' with that gun in your hand)

I was doing some ruminating while cleaning out the goat barn (sharp ones will notice the pun in that last comment). Goats are notorious for wasting hay. But its way more fascinating than just that; goats actually defy the law of conservation of mass. If you feed a goat one bale of hay, they will scatter two bales of hay on the floor right below the feeder, and the empirical evidence dotted all over the yard indicates that they ate something along in the line, too.

This discovery is not quite as revolutionary as the invention of the flux capacitor, but almost. Who needs the Large Hadron Collider?


Cherry Blossoms!

And what a cute one she is!