
High and Dry

We got about 18" of rain in about 30 hours. The weekend was a wee bit soggy. Here are some pictures.
Looking North from our porch.
You can hear the river rushing from our porch (something you can't normally do).

There is a very wet John Deere in there somewhere. We could barely see the steering wheel and exhaust pipe.

The North end of Boxley Valley Road.
There is a fence on the left side of the street that is completely under water. I can zoom in to the full size picture and see that the water at the end of the street is only about 4" to 6" down from the bottom of the stop sign. Our neighbors, who own the pasture across the street, can only access their home via boat. The blackberry farm is underwater.

Other than a wet basement (which had little to do with the flood, and more to do with a tennis ball being stuck in the corrugated pipe) we stayed high and dry and fared pretty well.