

Okay- since my little brother is such a punk, I decided to go public with pictures of Zaiah. Not like the interested parties have not either been emailed pictures or seen him in person (or both), but because Brent made comments about having new goats without posting any proof. Here is proof of Isaiah William Roberts. According to Heather's Dr. (during an unspecified procedure done only on males), he will become a "formidable young man." This will definitely be repeated at an important moment causing much embarassment (his wedding rehearsal dinner:) However, by God's grace, I hope and pray that those very words do become true- that this young man will arise and shine, and may he reveal the Lord's glory by his very life. I love you little man- Welcome to the world!


Beating the Heat

Andrea and I are the captains of exceptional timing. The last time we tried to have a bonfire, Middle Tennessee received 13-inches of rain in matter of two days. Since the roads were closed we decided reluctantly to reschedule.

This past Saturday was the day. Despite a heat index of right around 100 degrees, and that still holding steady until about 7pm, a good time was had by all. Ninety-degree weather is actually pretty good for making s'mores, because chocolate that is already melting melts pretty easily when you had a half-burnt marshmallow.

Elias spent the whole evening making a triangle from the food table to the fire to my chair: "Can I eat this?" "Yes, Elias, you can eat that."

Timnah caught a handful -- literally a handful -- of lightning bugs, and got to show everyone the frog she caught in the backyard.

Same Frog, different afternoon. This was from the end of May.

One of Timnah's other friends, The Lizzard.


Supposedly Brooke and Heather had a baby boy, but I've heard nothing about it here on the blog. So I suppose now is a good enough time as any to let everyone know that we had three more goat kids around the Memorial Day break. Two does, Semmie-Aneed and Daisy, and one buck, Elias.

You can thank Timnah for naming the buck Elias, and we can thank Elias (the boy, not the goat) for naming Semmie-Aneed (which name will probably put this blog on a federal watch-list for potential jihad-ism threats). Andrea and I are responsible for naming Daisy.

Sorry to disappoint anyone out there, but I think we already have potential buyers for both of the girls.