
Trump Stumped

Politics is a funny thing.

The Donald has become the presumptive nominee of the GOP ("God's Own Party"). Not quite the representative I would have had in mind for and organization with such a prominent autonym. Not that I am really one to offer advice to those in powerful positions, but I will herein exercise my right to speak into thin air (or post on this blog, which is even less likely to be overheard than that). For the other GOP politicians, those of the so-called down-ballot races, know that The Donald is a problem whether you are for him, against him, or ignore him.

If you're for him...well I'm against you (even if your name is Ben Carson, I question your ability to reason like bible-reading Christian). I and I'm pretty confident that I'm not alone. But plenty would disagree with me. So there you have split conservatives somewhere down the middle third. And if you're publicly for him, then know that's the democrats will use that as a club against you.

If you're against him...well you've still split the party. And if you're against him publicly, know that the democrats will use that as a club against you.

And if you try to take an imaginary third path, "I'm Just not ready to do that at this point" (Paul Ryan), be aware that there isn't one. The Donald is such a polarizing figure, you cannot not know where you stand on the guy. To pretend not to know where you stand is a polite way of lying. What you're really saying is, "I need more time to figure out this will play out in my political career." And if you're in the woods on this middle path, know that the democrats will use this as a club against you.


Spring 2011

Despite the chilly weekend, here are some pictures from weekend last.


On Hold

Friday night we sold our goats, temporarily putting on hold our plans to take over the dairy-goat world. The current thought process is to get some more in a few years when the kids are old enough to help with chores.

Oscar is a very lonely cat. He didn't used to meow at our window at 3:30 AM.


If I Were President

If I were president, there would be none of this namby-pamby "pardoning" of turkeys. Birds would be on the table. Roasted, slow roasted, baked, fried, you name it. Those receiving pardon would be the cold cocktail weenies and the oyster dressing


Luxury Bentley Action Figure

The most interesting bit of news on the Radio this AM was that Bentley is recalling 820 cars. The reason, of course, is that the hood ornament might not properly retract in an accident. So if you're scooting around in your Bentley, not wearing your seatbelt, and you get flung through the windshield, the danger is that the hood ornament may impale you. Or if accidentally run over a little girl in the street, it would be a terrible shame to get a flying B stuck in her spleen. Therefore these things need to retract upon impact. The first image the came to mind when hearing the story was that of a childhood He-Man figure, whose chest would flip over and reveal a huge gash if you thumped it just the right way. It was probably marketed on the packaging as something like "massive battle-scar action!!!!"
So be looking for the Bentleys that will start hitting the shelves as part of the new marketing campaign:
"Improved Flying B Hood Ornament Break-away Action!!!!"
"Smack!! Ka-Powwww!!" (appropriately embellished with smack / ka-pow clouding)



Last Wednesday, Timnah and Elias had their very first violin lessons. One of the first things they did at the lesson was to trace their feet on a piece of poster-board: once with feet together, once with feet shoulder width apart and at a slight angle; "red feet" and "green feet" respectively.

The deal is, that during the lesson they are to stay standing on the board in one of the two positions, with their teacher giving directions as to which one.

If, through this process, Elias-The-Bouncy-Boy can learn to stand still for thirty minutes at a time, I might not even care if he has learned how to play the violin.



Okay- since my little brother is such a punk, I decided to go public with pictures of Zaiah. Not like the interested parties have not either been emailed pictures or seen him in person (or both), but because Brent made comments about having new goats without posting any proof. Here is proof of Isaiah William Roberts. According to Heather's Dr. (during an unspecified procedure done only on males), he will become a "formidable young man." This will definitely be repeated at an important moment causing much embarassment (his wedding rehearsal dinner:) However, by God's grace, I hope and pray that those very words do become true- that this young man will arise and shine, and may he reveal the Lord's glory by his very life. I love you little man- Welcome to the world!