
Obama's es"State of the Union"

Any thoughts on his speech Tuesday night?

I at least agree with one or two things that he said: now is the time to tackle all of these big challenges. I mean, everything's in the crapper, so why not do all the crazy stuff now, right?

Although he didn't say it, there continue to be rumors of banks being nationalized, which just gives me the heebie-jeebies...and of all the Presidents to tackle social security reform (or its complete phase out!), Obama and his socialist tendencies is the last person I would have wanted to do that.

Sad though, that I do kinda agree with him that we "wasted" our many years of surplus. However, I believe it is turning out that the supposed surplus wasn't so much a surplus as much as it was a wave of strong GDP based on underlying and accumulating household debt.

Separately, if Obama does open up his energy policy to include more nuclear plant developments, I might be finding myself a job at the NRC. We'll just have to see:)


Happy Birthday Andrea

To celebrate Andrea's birthday, I bought a half-dozen "gourmet" cup-cakes. The only thing missing was a good round of putt-putt.


Giggles: Must love dogs!

We got our first giggles and squeals from Geena this weekend, and they all started when the dog began barking. So cute!

Long awaited pics of the "G" (hint: not gatorade)

Geena growing up! Going to her first baby shower with mommy!

Smiley little Geena happy about the Steelers winning the SuperBowl!
(more likely she's smiling at her awesome mommy)

Geena psyched about the Steelers in the SuperBowl!
(and Daddy knocked his head on the towel rack in the bathroom:)

Geena going snow skiing

Geena enjoying a 'different' view of the Christmas lights


Way to go Mom and Dad


Just before the finish line! They faked it to look like they were running.

Post-race in front of Boutwell Auditorium
Mom and Dad successfully completed the BE&K 5K which is a part of the Mercedes Marathon Weekend. They did a great job, especially for Dad. It's his first race ever! Let's all put on our Christmas list to buy him some running/walking pants. The hunters orange hat made it easy to spot him though. Way to go Mom and Dad!


Nahum is mobile

This morning, I saw Nahum actually crawl for the first time (Andrea said she had seen her do it earlier, but this will be the first documented sighting). She had been threatening to stick with the stop-and-go army crawl method that Timnah employed as an infant. But, alas, she was using hands and knees and everything.