

Well after a fairly restless, yet uneventful night (and a few trips to the barn at hours that I care not admit to in a public forum) we have been granted the gift of two new goat kids, compliments of Kate. The firstborn was a buck, Tecot* (tea-cott), and the second of the two was a doe, Hadawn (hay-dawn). The names come courtesy of Timnah. I'll have more info to follow on the morrow.

* - This is a correction. My post originally had Pecot.


  1. Dude, you have more "kids" at your house than "Carter" has liver pills! I mean, what are two more mouths to feed! Before to long, you will charge admission to your house for the fall fair festival. There must be something about that TN air.

  2. Can't wait to see pictures of the little darlings! Andrea told me of her heroic delivery of your newest doeling as well! She's quite the amazing woman, and now I know who to call if I ever have kidding troubles!
