
Some Digital Photos

Nahum, the birthday girl, on her birthday.

Quick hiking trip off the Natchez Trace

Kids throwing rocks. Endless facination with kids + rocks + water.

Elias, cautiously testing the waters.

Timnah, knee deep at the work "go."

Me and the wee one. Chillin'. Taking pictures.

Well Thanks

This past Saturday, Andrea and I made the rare move of taking the family out to eat. We opted for some-what upscale restaurant called Saffire Grill. The food was really, really good. As we were waiting for our dinner to be served, Andrea took Timnah and Elias over by the front entry where they could get a good look at the little jazz trio providing a little ambiance. Elias loved it. So much so he started dancing (not terribly unlike his father's dancing). A middle-aged couple at the end of the bar obviously thought it was a hoot. So much so that they paid for our dinner! We didn't get a chance to thank them before they ran out, so I'll say it here: Thanks!


Reading the Shampoo Bubbles

If the type of shampoo you use says anything about one's personality or mood, then Andrea is apparently tired of being a horse and ready to be a refreshing tangerine.

I quizzed her on this to see if there was any deep-seated emotions that we needed to talk about. Apparently, though, the only issue was that Publix was out of "Mane and Tail."