

Just a few pics here to show the immensity of 'Snowmageddon' this past week. I was off work all week (okay, I could have gone in Friday, but there was already a late arrival and unscheduled leave policy in place- and I already had today off as an AWS day anyway and had plans- Oh, and we have President's day off too [start government worker jokes here]).

Geena's height compared to the walls of snow (she's on the sidewalk to our front door).

The 'Man Machine' and the snowblower:) My neighbor let me borrow his- saved me a whole day of shoveling and a lot of Ibuprofen.

Geena likes icicles:)

1 comment:

  1. You just have to love government employees. Not even two full months into the new year and already a full week has been non productive.

    At least Geena enjoyed her time with dad! Pops
