
Kid quotes from the election

A conversation that I had with Kate Jeffcoat, a 5-year old at Cherokee Bend...I also know her family very well.
Mrs. Batts: Kate, why do you look so sad?
Kate: My parents aren't going to have any money for my birthday now.
Mrs. Batts: What do you mean Kate? When's your birthday?
Kate: My birthday is November 19th and my parents aren't going to have any money to buy me a birthday present now that Obama has been elected!

Conversation overheard while walking through the 2nd grade hallway
Kid 1: I'm not voting for McCain, i'm voting for Obama.
Kid 2: Oh yeah, why?
Kid 1: McCain is going to send us to war and Obama is not.
Kid 2: What do you think we are in silly?

Quote from perhaps the spaciest kid in my class this year...
"So if Obama is an African-American, does that make him black too?"

Kids say the darndest things these days! That is just a sampling, I've definitely got more where that came from.