
Go{a}t milk?

While supplies of other commodities appear to be running thin, our fridge is currently at near capacity levels of goat milk. Capacity being a function of how many quart mason jars we have on hand and how many we can safely fit into the fridge around any leftovers. This is currently about 6 gallons and some change. Between the two girls, we're getting about 1 gallon a day. That's 7 gallons a week for those who are counting. Considering we only consume about 2 to 3 gallons a milk per week as a family, and there is a limit to how much you can give away to friends before they start to look at you funny, we might need to enter the cheese business.

Cheers, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I suggest that you up your consumption of milk (milk on a stick, a milk bath, milk hand cream, you get the picture) or I expect a big hoop of goat cheese around Thanksgiving.... Christmas... and to everyone having birthdays for the rest of this year. Cheers!

