
Tennessee Happenings

Hello, peoples. The TN branch of the Roberts family has been doing very well. Last week-end was incrediblt. If I could vote for a three day weekend every week, I would. Work gets done, kids get attention, books get read, people get naps...its great.

This weekend we will be ridding the farm of the two remaining goat kids. This will diminish the chores a little bit, but will also mean milking twice a day as opposed to just once a day.

Timnah was a little sick earlier this week so we took her to the Doctor. Just a virus, so everything is okay, its just not like Timnah to be lethargic even when she is not feeling good. While at the doc, we had a weigh-in for all the kiddies. If I remember correctly the run-down was Timnah 38½, Elias 30, and Nahum 12lbs, 10oz.

For our anniversary, Andrea bought me a dump-cart to pull behind our mower. Sounds silly, but I thought about one everytime I had to lug things down to the garden. Over the three day weekend I was able to squeeze in enough time to put the mower back together (the steering wheel was falling off), and also make use of the new toy (to help with barn clean-up).

Other than that, everything is just peachy. I'll have to post up some updated pictures of Nahum...she's getting big, and fast.

1 comment:

  1. A three day weekend. That does sound nice. I have always been an advocate of the four day work week. It has always made sense for the working person. Unfortunately it has never happened to me. Until now, of course. Now I have a seven day weekend. Not bad actually.

    Mom and I have almost got the computer thing down. We are still having some problems with her lap top and the wireless connection upstairs. So her computer will be banished to the downstairs and be placed on top of the lynksis (?) rabbit ears thing. It will almost pick up then.

    We would like to see some pics of the children, they change quickly at this age.

    We hope everyone is doing well, love to all. Granna and Pops
