
Favorite Moment from the Holidays

Mine was watching Dad come full circle. On the night of the 25th there was no way he was going to play golf with the remaining male faction of the Roberts clan.

Watching the balls fly on the driving range on the morning of the 26th, he was feeling pretty good about his decision.

At around hole three later on in the morning, he was back-pedaling a bit.

By hole six he confirmed that had he known then what he now knew, he would be digging holes in the tee-box along with the rest of us.

By the time I was packing the van up to go home, he was poking around in the basement to see whether or not he had given his lefty clubs to the Goodwill.

My how things can change in a matter of a few days.

Pops, you'll have to post some pictures of the great event here on the blog...if you can figure out how to get negatives scanned into a computer...Maybe there's an "app" for that?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I did give the lefty clubs to the Goodwill or what ever charity called at that point in time. The "app" will consist of mailing the pictures that are presently at Wolfe Photo waiting to be picked up. I will let my computer gifted children figure out how to get the pictures on the blog.

    You guys really need to improve on the game, it would be embarrasing for a 55 year old who has not played the game since 1983 to "smoke" you young punks. Consider that a challenge dudes, GAME ON! Pops
