
Well since no one has posted anything in a while, I will. I ran a trial run of the 1/2 marathon course Saturday morning and finished well under my times from the past four years. The real deal is on Valentines Day so I'll let you all know how it goes. I can't believe I will have done this 5 years in a row!!!
JCB is deep into his studying for the bar. He has about two more weeks of the review class, a week off, and then it's game time the last week of February.
Peanut is doing well too! She has recovered nicely from the stitches she had over Christmas. You can't even tell she had them at all. I figured up the other day that she is roughly 6 (or 42) years old! Wow!
Love you, Les

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Next stop, a full marathon!

    Wow, "Nut" is 6 years old! She is so cute! love Pops
