
Obama's es"State of the Union"

Any thoughts on his speech Tuesday night?

I at least agree with one or two things that he said: now is the time to tackle all of these big challenges. I mean, everything's in the crapper, so why not do all the crazy stuff now, right?

Although he didn't say it, there continue to be rumors of banks being nationalized, which just gives me the heebie-jeebies...and of all the Presidents to tackle social security reform (or its complete phase out!), Obama and his socialist tendencies is the last person I would have wanted to do that.

Sad though, that I do kinda agree with him that we "wasted" our many years of surplus. However, I believe it is turning out that the supposed surplus wasn't so much a surplus as much as it was a wave of strong GDP based on underlying and accumulating household debt.

Separately, if Obama does open up his energy policy to include more nuclear plant developments, I might be finding myself a job at the NRC. We'll just have to see:)


  1. Let me caveat at the beginning and state that I didn't listen to the speech. But I'll respond to your post with some thoughts anyway.

    My opinion is that now is the best time for the government to do absolutely nothing. This is the one option that will likely never be tried, but probably has the best chances of success. Just look at Japan. Their still trying things, and the Nikkei hit its lowest note since '84 and they have more national debt than any other industrialized country. Yet, just yesterday, a financial rep from Japan was on NPR telling us what we should do. People talk of Japan's lost decade as if it were past tense, but some think they're still lost.

    Yeah, where did all of that Clinton surplus go? Iraq, maybe? Yeah...probably Iraq.

    You need to write a letter to your congressman. The DC area does need a nuclear power plant. Maybe two or three.

  2. I "did" listen to the majority of the speech and at the beginning felt it was good. However, as it progressed and he seemed to promise to fix everything that could possibly need help, I started to feel that he sounded a lot like Mayor Larry Langford in Birmingham. Trust me, that is very scary! He seems to be a popular figure right now and I felt he set himself up for failure, big time, by promising to fix everything. Impossible!
    P.S. I was thinking more of a nuclear job in the south :) Love, MOM

  3. Lots of nuclear goings on in the Scottboro, AL area. Sounds like TVA may actually reopen Bellfonte.

    p.s. I did not listen nor do I ever listen to anything said by the current HIIC (Head Idiot In Charge).
