
Black and Gold Weekend!

With Vandy winning on Saturday over...yeah, you know, and then with the Steelers with another exciting victory over the Jaguars, this weekend Heather and I were all black and gold! Also, one for the record books: Vanderbilt (5-0) currently has a better record than the Steelers (4-1), but it would be really nasty to see them go head to head. I don't want to think about that kind of bloodshed.

Separately, Heather and I celebrated her birthday this weekend by going out to see the movie Fireproof and then going to Red Lobster. The movie was surprisingly really good. I wrote a more thorough blog post at our student ministry's site: http://cherrydalestudents.blogspot.com. Go VU! Go Stillers!


  1. Can you believe that Auburn got beat, and I mean beat, by a bunch of nerds? Either Vandy has gotten good (certainly much better than they used to be), Auburn has gotten bad (they have) or it must be snowing somewhere.

    The Steelers are looking good right now. It depends upon how big Ben's health will hold out the rest of this season. I am not sure he can continue to take the hits with a partial separation in his shoulder already present.

    Go team go!

  2. John Christopher said you were a punk...also if you liked Fireproof you need to watch Facing the Giants which is made by the same company and this one is based upon a high school football coach.

    Oh and Brent, if you read this were you even aware that AU and Vandy were playing? :)

  3. Oh I was aware.

    Why does Auburn have such a hard time finding QBs? Campbell is the only good QB Auburn has had, that I can think of...probably in my lifetime. We've had a lot of okay ones. But this is the second time in the past 8 years where we have had to go to a juco to find somebody, anybody with an arm (the last being Cobb). What's up?

    And how about them Titans. 5-0. It must be the water up here in Nashville.

    The owner of our Company, a Vandy civil engineering grad, had some jabs for me on Monday. His first question was "do you owe me any money?" My honest reply was, "there is no way I was going to put any money on THAT." I saw (or heard, rather) it coming.

    I'd like to see someone take it to the Tide, though. And if it has to be us -- Auburn -- that would be just fine too.

  4. Good to know you are still connected to your roots, Brent. I always thought Reggie Slack and Patrick Nix were pretty good QBs. Stan White wasn't too shabby either, at least during his Jr. & Sr. years. Those first two were
    3rd and lllllooooooooonnnnnnngggggg!

  5. Stan White was okay. Probably even good. But not good, good. I'll have to admit that while the Mr.s Slack and Nix were in my lifetime...they were really before I knew what football was. It probably just bugged the stew out of Pops (go ahead and admit it, Dad), but I remember going to many a football game being just absolutlely flummoxed as to what was going on. I knew what a touchdown was. I knew how to yell "War Eagle." And I always hoped they would do the wave. But I was generally lost.

    You always hear people say, though, that AU has a tough time attracting QBs because they run so much. But if anyone really thinks like that, they obviously don't know too much about football. What QB doesn't want an awesome run to back up their arm? What QB wants to get hit every play, because there is no running game? Someone please explain this logic.

  6. Well, if you (Brent) had a real interest in football you would have asked more questions and gotten more involved. You did not and that was fine. I did not want to impose any of my desires and dreams on any of my children. It was up to all of you to live as you wanted. If you had been more interested, you would probably have chosen a different career path. Thankfully you are not a coach.

    It is still ironic that you were the only one to achieve a state championship with probably less interest in sports than the rest of us. I have not figured that one item out yet. If I had won a state championship, I would probably be wearing my old letter jacket right now. Assuming of course that I could still get into it.

    I am with you on the QB thinking. I certainly would want a strong running game to be behind me. Typically all I see are QB's getting hurt when they run.

  7. "...with probably less interest in sports than the rest of us"

    Now that's not exactly true. Just because I wasn't a 3-sporter or a collegiate athlete doesn't mean I wasn't interested. Lets just face it, guys my size don't have too much of a future in sports outside of tennis and bowling (depending upon whether you consider NASCAR a sport or not).

    And I think I was interested in AU football as a youth. Though it was more of an experience-driven interest as opposed to a more purely sport-oriented interest.

  8. Says the guy who has three high school championship rings stowed away in a drawer somewhere. I am just jealous. But I am proud for you, those championships are hard to come by.

    I think NASCAR is a sport, I think it would be tough driving for several 100's of miles with out a/c tryng to go as fast as I can. This does not mean that I am overwhelmed by the sport. It rates very low on my interest meter.

    I was not a three sporter nor a college jock, heck I could not make it past the second game of my junior year. But I still enjoy the game.

    I think it would be hard to go to any college that has a good sports program and not be a little bit interested in the game. Look at Vandy, evidently they are more interested now that they are winning than they were when they were the door mat of the SEC.

    For those who care, I made a comment on the 10-02 "Another Question for the Bankers". I was a tad late in responding.
