
The Problem as I See It

This is in regards to Auburn football. So let me answer everyone's first question: How can I know what's wrong with Auburn football if I haven't watched a game since K-state over a year ago?

Well the answer is that I do happen to know a thing or two about the game in general. I can look at a game's stats and pretty much tell you how a game went. Any game. The three things you look at are total yards, turn-overs, and time of possession. This will tell you how a game went 90% of the time. The two notable exceptions are if there are lots of points scored on special teams (kick and punt returns), if a lot of points are scored on defense, or if a team puts a lot of yardage up between the 20s and the field-goal kicker is no good. All of these are pretty rare, with the exception of defensive points scored, and the number turnovers on the opposing team are generally indicative of such. But, say, there are 3 interceptions and ALL three were returned for touchdowns, this wouldn't be immediatly apparent from the number of turn-overs itself.

With Auburn, though, you can look at one particular statistic and see how they did. Rushing yards. Auburn is a rushing football team. Period. Why Tubbs is leaning towards a "spread" offense is beyond me (particularly when they don't have a QB). Auburn hasn't seen an attempt at a spread since that Bowden guy left.

In the three losses, the rushing yards are as follows: 70, 110, and 56. For Auburn, consistently getting fewer than 100 yards on the ground will get consistently get them losses.

War Eagle, anyway.


  1. You should have seen it live. It looked bad on paper, it looks worse in person.

    This is the year that will really test your spirit if you are a true Auburn fan or one of those "greyhound graduates".

    It is hard to imagine how they have gotten to this point in such a short period of time. Either they did not analyze their QB position adequately or their receiving core adequately. Could be both.

    Never the less, it is still fun to go to Auburn, just do not go to the game.

  2. Athletically speaking, of football primarily, this is the first year it has felt really good to say that I graduated from Vanderbilt.

    I agree with both of you 'gents. I've watched the Auburn games on TV, and they look miserable. I'm not sure they're even having fun...which is sad considering the tremendous amount of talent they have. Well, here's hoping to whollap Alabama anyway- that always eases the pain of a crappy season.

  3. Hey Vandy boy, you may want to be on notice that the coach at Vandy is a hot topic right now. Clemson just punted their coach, Tommy Bowden. Poor fellow, he will reluctantly have to accept $3 million as a buy out.

    If things continue to heat up at Auburn, the Vandy coach may be looked at as well. Although he is from the Carolina's either through family or through college ball play. I cannot remember exactly. Either way, Clemson would be a good fit for him. A good coach and a good guy.

    Right now, Auburn can ease their season by beating Bama this November. Go Dores! I hope they have not peaked!
