
Computer Woes

You know, it is hard enough being technically challenged on computers. To add insult to injury the computer often does things that you have no control over. Two points of discussion: we visited our Virginia clan for 10 days. On return the wireless decided not be. All I did was go out of town. Once my mind returned to a cool calm reasonable way of thinking it took was a total of three hours on the phone to various parties (ethnic groups that I can hardly understand) to correct the problem.
Second point: One update recommended by windows to "improve" the nivida graphics decided not to load completely. This left a screen that is hard to see, print that is larger than the screen and video deficient. What a great update. Many more updates like that serves the same purpose as jerking out three of eight spark plug wires to "improve" the performance of a car.
Bill Gates, what a great product. We could all be so fortunate to create a necessary item that needs a life time to service...... It has to be five o'clock somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I would buy American if I could find it.

    This actually was (is) my Compaq which works of of a HP platform. Not that I am especially fond of Toshiba. It had a good price and twice the memory than any other brand. Except for the short range of the Toshiba on the wireless side, it serves its purpose.

    I am taking my Compaq up to Virginia this Thursday through Monday and see if my Vandy graduate can correct this thing. If not, then I will let some high school drop out fix it and charge me a 100 bucks. Something is wrong with this picture.

    Is it five o'clock yet?
