
The Gubment is Berny Madoff

This guy gets inflation. You'll know this immediately as The Wizard of Id.

I've heard someone describe inflation as an underhanded form of taxation. They don't take it outright from your paycheck, but they create it out of thin air, and the net loss to you comes in the form of Coke machines now costing $1.00 for a can and $2.00 for a bottle. Would you be surprised in 2011 if its $2.00 and $3.00 respectively? Not at the Gubment's current rate...I wouldn't be surprised at all.

So why inflation? Why are we destroying the dollar to save the country that prints it? Because we think government is the answer. And the government is bankrupt. This gets back to the title. Mr. Madoff's big stink was a so-called Ponzi scheme, where he takes the investment funds from investor B to pay back the returns of investor A. Note the pattern. Now lets change the words a bit:
  • Take savings from citizen B to pay back the retirement of citizen A. This is called "Social Security."
That last one was bad, and blatant, enough. The next one is worse, because it relies on borrowed money -- leverage, if you will:
  • Take the income from wage earner B to pay for the services rendered to wage earner A on borrowed money. This is called taxation, and is how we fund our government.
Its a Ponzi scheme whose operating capital is borrowed money. And this is going to save us from recession!? 

[Deficit spending should be illegal, but this is an absurd argument at the get go. That would be like telling Papa John he couldn't eat his own pizza.]

Please don't save us any more...the more they do, the more we can't afford to save ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Such a critical person at such a young age. The government is your big brother. We are from the government, we are here to help you. We will help you by taking all your money and then feeding you with what ever we choose to feed you with.

    I think they have fed us with what I call the "mushroom theory". Keep the public in the dark and feed them manure.

    It has got to be five oclock somewhere.
