
Just like home...

I was home with Geena today and saw my neighbor next door...parked in his front yard unloading his groceries. Now, although we do live in the burbs, there's nothing like a car parked in the front yard to remind you of good ole Alabama!

Fortunately, he parked it back in the driveway once he was done.


I feel better now, don't you

Geitner wants to regulate the world. Why should he bother stopping at financial institutions? I think if we just give government a little more power and a little more money, they'll get it right next time. Until they blow it again, and then ask for more money and power.

It doesn't work that way in the buisiness world. "Hey boss, I really screwed things up. Like big time." "Well Mr. Roberts, Its apparent to me that you need a raise and a little more responsibility. Perhaps some dynomite to boot!"


Hi there Granna!

...and you too Pops!

Geena's Mission: Get your thumb into your mouth!

It's a little long, but pretty funny.

Geena helping Mommy and Daddy tape & paint


Good cookin'

Well, I'm not sure I even come close to that, but I did enjoy my first time cooking in our renovated kitchen this afternoon/evening! I still need to take some good photos of the kitchen, which will come someday. Right now the kitchen has blue painter's tape on it and is still in need of a good backsplash, which will not be installed for awhile. Our goal is to have it completely done by the time mom/dad come visit for Mother's Day. So anyway, on to the meal. I made oven-fried chicken with oven-roasted vegetables, and capped it off with a banana pudding dessert. It turned out to be delicious, if I must say so myself (and I must, because Heather doesn't really post anything on here). So, although I don't use au natural goat milk or pluck the vegetables right from my deck porch like some people (you know who you are), I do still have within me some culinary skillz- but we'll use that term loosely:) Love to you all!


A Professorial Assessment

A historian's account of our present situation (http://mises.org/story/3354). The gentleman author, Paul A. Cleveland, happens to be a professor from Birmingham-Southern.



Andrea relayed this one to me this morning in a voicemail:

Timnah: Elias! You need to share.
Elias: I don't want to share.
Timnah: God said you should share. And God said, "Let there be light." And, Elias, he said you should share.


Woe Kitchen-

Below are a few pictures of what we've been up to. The first shot is a look at a half finished kitchen. The base cabinets are all installed and the countertops have been measured and will be put in this Friday. This week my contractor should have the remaining top cabinets installed. We have run into a few problems, and I've documented those for you as well. Enjoy!

Half & Half

The Infamous Slant Route: The ceilings are...surprise!...not level across. There is more of a slow decline from one side to the other, resulting in a large gap between the cabinets, ceiling and molding. We have decided to put on a kind of "extension" to the cabinet with some filler materials- that way, it will be mostly covered by the molding but should not show any gaping holes/gaps. A good, but complex fix. You can see a small piece above the cabinet here. Note: in this example, the molding will cover the whole thing, so we didn't have to use filler material. The problem is in the top cabinets over the dishwasher.

Hit me in the box! This wonderfully placed electrical box is, surprise!...in the way. So, we're going to have to move it down...more problems...I smell them.

A Kinder Cinder? No. To remove said electrical box down, we (I mean, the contractor) have to use a hammer-drill to chip it out and then place a second box underneath it and pigtail from the one above it. This little side project should all hopefully be done by tomorrow. We'll see. Have a great day- we're hoping and praying for a snow day! We're looking at anywhere from 5 to 9 inches. Yay! Thanks for the pics Mom/Dad and Les!