
I feel better now, don't you

Geitner wants to regulate the world. Why should he bother stopping at financial institutions? I think if we just give government a little more power and a little more money, they'll get it right next time. Until they blow it again, and then ask for more money and power.

It doesn't work that way in the buisiness world. "Hey boss, I really screwed things up. Like big time." "Well Mr. Roberts, Its apparent to me that you need a raise and a little more responsibility. Perhaps some dynomite to boot!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting point...I agree that there is rightfully a lot of outrage over the AIG bonuses...but, I think we're getting ticked because we're ticked. What about the XYZ-billions that are being poured out like water from a theme park? What is driving our policies, outrage, or sound thought-through economics (whether you agree with the theory or not). I think it's outrage, and that's very dangerous.

  3. I'm not outraged at the AIG bonuses. I think it was dumb, but I'm not outraged at that. I more upset that the government finds it their business to keep a failing enterprise afloat in the first place. Just look at GM. The first bailout of a failing business is not the last. If Warren Buffet wants to buy toxic assets, let him buy them. But when Geitner puts his chips on table, he's playing cards with Geena's future tax liability and the relative value of the dollars in your pocket.
