

Andrea relayed this one to me this morning in a voicemail:

Timnah: Elias! You need to share.
Elias: I don't want to share.
Timnah: God said you should share. And God said, "Let there be light." And, Elias, he said you should share.


  1. Kids say the darndest things. Too cute.

  2. Kids do say funny things...

    Geena said, "hooo...plauksp," which when translated means, "I love you and I just spit up..."
    and it also means Colonial's stock is worth less than my spit up.

  3. The question is, did Elias share after his sermonette? Before Timnah knows it, Elias will have some scripture to pass along to her too :) Aren't all my grandchildren cute? Granna

  4. That was uncalled for Brooke...Geena can't possibly comprehend stock right now. But since you live so close to the Hill, I'd appreciate if you visited the OCC and Mr. I'm Clueless Geitner and get the ball rolling on this TARP thing so our shares can be diluted over 250% and worth less than Geena's spit up and poop together. Sorry Brooke had to ruin a "cute kid" thread!

  5. Just for our readership's sake, I own some CNB shares, and I bought them at substantially higher than $0.40. So, my comment was not targeted at anyone specific as much as it was just mumbling and complaining...I do sincerely appologize if it was seen as a personal attack. And, I don't think you ruined a cute kid thread-that's what I like about blogs...you can always delete and start over with a new post. We just need new sermons from deaconess Timnah...
