
Democrats and Halloweeen...

This was sent to me by a mom in my youth group. I loved it:)

1 comment:

  1. A joke: Our president elect took his kids trick or treating on Halloween; however he only went to the houses that make $250,000 or more in income.

    Stock market finished with an upward swing today, after taking a beating the days after the election. No good news in the immediate future.

    Republicans are running to the country club, swirling their scotch and water trying to figure where they went wrong with this last presidential election.

    Rumor has it that taxes will go up in response to the latest bailout plans our government has given the government. Ford is on the ropes. GM and Chrysler are talking about a merger. Who would have thought that would even be a pipe dream.

    Obama will get no honey moon with this election, there is too much trouble in the economic, foreign policy and war fronts to allow him time to breathe. At best, we can hope he will exit Iraq before Iran cranks up trouble. Hopefully to bring our boys home. Unemployment is high, no real good solution there. It may be a sad Christmas economically speaking.

    I think I am going to relearn the game of golf, now where did I put that bottle of scotch?
