
We Actually Did Something

Unlike another branch of the Roberts family (that might live in the DC area), the Tennessee edition likes to take things rather slowly. We go to bed at a decent hour, and wake up relatively early. We don't spend a lot of money, don't eat out much, and generally don't have extensive plans for our weekends. Believe it or not, though, we actually had meaningful "plans" for three weekends in a row. Staggering, I know. Here's the run-down:

The weekend of October 18th we had two things going on. That Saturday we had our annual (if you can call something annual after only having two in a row) bon fire / weenie roast. I am pleased to inform that good times were had by all. That Sunday afternoon, our church hosted a concert by a gentleman named Jaime Soles from Canada who has an incredible brand of Bible-based music. Most of his songs are geared for kids, but not all. His music is very narrative, drawing on some of the prominent and obscure bits of Old Testament history. So, of course there a song about Noah and Abraham, but he also has a song about Shamgar killing 600 men with an ox-goad, Ehud giving fat-ole Eglon 18 inches of sword, and (one of Timnah's favorites) Korah, Dathan, and Abiarim being swallowed by the ground. Good stuff.

The following weekend, we had our friends from Florence, Becky and Eric, in town for a few days. We had a great time with them. The pictures I sent out last week of our family on a short little hiking trek were actually pictures that they took for us. I tried to convince Eric that the Nashville area needed some more pharmacists so he would stay, but alas, they returned.

And then last weekend was fairly tame, but some friends of ours from church had a Reformation Day party on their parents estate. That too was a great time. They had bratwurst and kielbasa (a step up from the franks we had at our shin-dig), a live bluegrass band, and a hay-ride.

For the foreseeable future, though, I think we are back to the settled, country life. No more of this urban whoop-in it up -- I about pulled a social muscle.