
Is does this make sense to you?

A column by a New York Times columnist, Thomas L. Friedman:


Apparently, we all need to go shopping and throw out "fairness" -- meaning, of course, that we reward stupidity, punish good sense, and hold the government harmless. In one respect, though, he's right: Obama is just the man for the job.

Sorry, Tommy, I care not for your opinions. I'm neither stupid nor a socialist. Get someone else to go shopping, and don't give any more of my money to AIG.


  1. The middle class cannot afford to go shopping anymore. Shopping is left to the folks that have no idea that we are in a recession. Go to the upper end restaurants in the bigger cities and you will find them slammed full of folks and many more waiting in line to get in. What is left, looking in the window, are the folks that almost had enough money to make it look like they had money. Then the crunch hit and they had no more equity to tap into.

    Not sure if Obama is the right man or not, history will tell us that. He is however the man we elected so I have to go with his leadership. He has never held an honest job in his life but I certainly do not envy his job right now. Take a look at his hair color in four years, he is dark headed right now. He will be white headed shortly.

    Peanut, behind me and to my right, is my latest economic advisor and seems unconcerned about this latest round of economic woes. She is resting comfortably on her pillow in the kitchen considering the next trade to take place. She says, we do not need another boat, just use the one you have. I need a scotch, it has to be five o'clock somewhere.

  2. I just wanted to clarify that my comment about Obama in the post was a joke. In other words, if we want someone to lead us down the wrong path, he's the one to do it.
