

On NPR this morning, there was a warning not to eat lobster livers...consider yourselves warned.


Nahum Dawn

It is with great fanfare and much ado that Andrea and I announce the arrival of our latest, and out third...

Nahum Dawn Roberts

She was born on Saturday, July 19 at 6:14 am, in our home.

She weighed 8 lbs 6 oz, has brown hair, dark eyes, nice pink skin, and long fingers and toes. Of course she is gorgeous and beautiful. We were at a loss at first, but the consensus is turning out that she looks like Elias when he was a baby.

Her first name, aside from being the name of one of the minor prophets, can also translated from Hebrew as "comfort." In response to much questioning, we did actually choose her middle name before she was born early on a clear morning. Andrea and I enjoy naming our children, and we particularly enjoy choosing middle names that complement the first. Our comforter, the Lord, has come and is currently reigning as king, and he is coming again. We are eagerly awaiting the dawn when our comforter reappears in blazing glory.

Here is proud Elias enjoying his first peek at Nahum, whom he has nick-named "precious baby."

Here is Timnah who is very thrilled to have a little sister. Timnah is already good about sharing with the wee one.

Andrea is recovering well and the two of us are adjusting to life with three, currently aided by the much appreciated help of grandparents.


2nd anniversary

After 2 wonderful years of marriage I am sitting here reflecting on the previous 24 hours. It is 3 minutes until midnight and I'm watching the bottom of the 13th inning of the MLB All-Star game. Naturally Les has already started counting goats. The stakes are high as the winning league gets home field advantage in the world series. No more tie nonsense like we saw in 2002. So the day was pretty normal; get up, go to work, go to class. For anniversary festivities Leslie was surprised by a new watch that she picked out over the weekend and had no idea she was getting. I'm sneeky like that. She came by my office with a fantastic peanut butter desert which we enjoyed after an unhealthy lunch at Momma Goldberg's in Homewood. After class we enjoyed a very nice and late dinner at Brio, a little Tuscan restaurant at Brookwood Mall for all you out of towners. The day of course could not be complete without finding out that we will have to replace one of the A/C units which has been out for the past 2 days. Ramen noodles will be on the menu for the next several months. Thankfully the humidity has been low so the heat is somewhat bearable. If Heather was not expecting I would only wish that B & H were visiting this week at our house so we could return the July hospitality we received in DC a few years ago. It is now 12:09 and the top of the 14th is still tied 3-3. Blessings to all.


A first taste. A pleasant surprise.

I've had goat milk before, and the results were regrettable. Think of a large vat of milk (like you are used to) add to it a few bales of hay, and then let it steep in the hot sun for several hours. Strain out the straw and pour out a glass and take a swig. Enough said, I did not like it. I had it over a bowl of cereal once, and I about couldn't get through the whole of it.

So from the begining, I've been riding along with Andrea on the goat thing. She can have her milk, and as long as there is a gool old red cap in the fridge for me everyone gets along just fine.

Yesterday, I get a really excited phone call from my wife excited about how good our goat's milk tastes. We had just gotten together all the equipment we needed to do it right and safe. She saves me some. I get home, dinner time roles around, and I muster up the variety of courage it takes to down something you know is going to be bad.

But it was good. In fact: it was really good. Take the red cap vitamin D milk that us Roberts kiddos are used to, make it a little creamier and a bit sweeter. Good, good stuff.

But don't worry. I know we'll be having some visitors in the near future. We'll make sure we have some cow-juice for you in the fridge.



I need to go ahead and throw this out there, because after our third child is welcomed into the world it will become a "who cares."

So after a little over two years, one trip to the ER, and enough money to pay for another cradle (or two, probably), I have completed my first woodworking project, the cradle.

Be wowed and amazed and impressed.

Headaches for Breakfast

Child: "Mom, what's for breakfast?"
(crack! smash! [the sound of a head-butt])
Mom: "Not now. How about never?"
Child: "Aunty, can you spare me some leftovers?"
(bang! double-smash!)
Aunt: "No...I don't even like you"

Alas, the happy ending.

Our buckling goat, Bingham, was brought to a happy adopting home yesterday to a family that is going to bottle feed him. His mom, Kelly, nursed him for a few days, but then decided that brother, Boyd, could eat but that Bingham could not. Bingham's aunt, Kate, never really cared much for Bingham either. We had been keeping him nourished by putting Mom and Aunt on the milk stand and letting him take what he could get. Bingham's desperate attempts at eating were starting to disrupt nursing for everybody, because if Boyd or cousing, Hully, started nursing, Bingham played opportunist and caused Kelly and Kate to jump away.

We'll miss Bingham, because since he didn't get along well with either his mother or aunt, he was the most personable towards people. I think that the new arrangement will go well for everybody, though.


Wild Sweet Orange

The band Wild Sweet Orange was on David Letterman a few weeks back. Obviously I didn't watch it...I don't have a television set. But I thought you might be interested. If you've never heard of the band let me hit you up with their roll-call: Preston Lovinggood, Garett Kelly, Taylor Shaw, and Chip Kilpatrick. That's right. We know these people.



"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." - Gal 5:1

As I enjoyed watching the fireworks over Vulcan in Homewood, AL, I couldn't help but wonder what celestial fireworks, what thunderous applause must have occured when the prince of glory, the very Son of God, entered into the true temple in heaven, offering Himself as a sacrifice once and for all to satisfy the Holy justice of the Almighty God. "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" What celebration! What exaltation! As Satan is cast down and the very power of sin is broken and the sting of death is finally removed- our transgressions flung as far as the east is from the west. Oh that we would ever live our Christian lives in light of this glorious liberation. May every day be a new independence day from sin.


New Life

A few days ago Heather and I found out that we are going to have a baby girl! So excited...but how do you get prepared for that? What would you recommend a new father of a girl to read, study up on, or familiarize himself with? How different is it than raising boys (not that I really have experience there either- but at least I am a boy)? I know that adequcy for everything is found only in the Lord. He is our purpose and our value, so it's silly to be all anxious and worried. But, I just want to be as prepared as one can be- and that's about all I can do.

An Idea

The outworkings of an idea...