
Headaches for Breakfast

Child: "Mom, what's for breakfast?"
(crack! smash! [the sound of a head-butt])
Mom: "Not now. How about never?"
Child: "Aunty, can you spare me some leftovers?"
(bang! double-smash!)
Aunt: "No...I don't even like you"

Alas, the happy ending.

Our buckling goat, Bingham, was brought to a happy adopting home yesterday to a family that is going to bottle feed him. His mom, Kelly, nursed him for a few days, but then decided that brother, Boyd, could eat but that Bingham could not. Bingham's aunt, Kate, never really cared much for Bingham either. We had been keeping him nourished by putting Mom and Aunt on the milk stand and letting him take what he could get. Bingham's desperate attempts at eating were starting to disrupt nursing for everybody, because if Boyd or cousing, Hully, started nursing, Bingham played opportunist and caused Kelly and Kate to jump away.

We'll miss Bingham, because since he didn't get along well with either his mother or aunt, he was the most personable towards people. I think that the new arrangement will go well for everybody, though.


  1. That picture is precious! She looks so grown (she being Timnah).

  2. She is the only she in the picture. The other potential she is a he...being Bingham.

  3. Ah, just wanted to clarify in case. I actually know someone who has a goat farm if you ever have any questions.
