
New Life

A few days ago Heather and I found out that we are going to have a baby girl! So excited...but how do you get prepared for that? What would you recommend a new father of a girl to read, study up on, or familiarize himself with? How different is it than raising boys (not that I really have experience there either- but at least I am a boy)? I know that adequcy for everything is found only in the Lord. He is our purpose and our value, so it's silly to be all anxious and worried. But, I just want to be as prepared as one can be- and that's about all I can do.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about this for awhile. I'm sure there are some wonderful books I could recommend, but I probably haven't read them. On the job training is probably going to be your best bet. Its just like anything else, though. If you tinker too much, you risk voiding the warranty.
