
Nahum Dawn

It is with great fanfare and much ado that Andrea and I announce the arrival of our latest, and out third...

Nahum Dawn Roberts

She was born on Saturday, July 19 at 6:14 am, in our home.

She weighed 8 lbs 6 oz, has brown hair, dark eyes, nice pink skin, and long fingers and toes. Of course she is gorgeous and beautiful. We were at a loss at first, but the consensus is turning out that she looks like Elias when he was a baby.

Her first name, aside from being the name of one of the minor prophets, can also translated from Hebrew as "comfort." In response to much questioning, we did actually choose her middle name before she was born early on a clear morning. Andrea and I enjoy naming our children, and we particularly enjoy choosing middle names that complement the first. Our comforter, the Lord, has come and is currently reigning as king, and he is coming again. We are eagerly awaiting the dawn when our comforter reappears in blazing glory.

Here is proud Elias enjoying his first peek at Nahum, whom he has nick-named "precious baby."

Here is Timnah who is very thrilled to have a little sister. Timnah is already good about sharing with the wee one.

Andrea is recovering well and the two of us are adjusting to life with three, currently aided by the much appreciated help of grandparents.

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